Let us know where you want to start. Discover Sailing, Discover Cruising or Becomimg Certified.
Discover Sailing (3 hrs)
Want to experience Sailing for the first time? Start with our Discover Sailing 3 hour Adventure or give as a gift to someone special? Feel the breeze, hear the gentle wake and enjoy the views! Hear and learn a few sailing terms. Try your hand with a few knots while sailing. Cost: $125 each, $300 for up to four people.
Discover Cruising (Full day)
Want to crew with a friend or spouse but no desire to have formal certification? This is also a great compliment course to take with a friend or significant other while they are taking formal training. Plenty of hands on experience. Cost $200 each
Begin Learning to Sail
If you have any sailing experience and/or know you want certification, we recommend you jump right into one of our courses.
Anyone wishing to take a certified course after completing either of our Discover Courses will have their cost credited towards the tuition.
You have tried sailing or know you want more. Sign up for one of our courses.
Competent Crew Course
No Experience required.
Basic introduction to become familiar with sailing. Includes two full days on the water. This is a prerequiste to the Day Skipper Course.
Cost: $675
Day Skipper Course
Experience how to prepare for a day trip on a Keel boat. We add to the Competent Crew material by examining and practising docking, anchoring and mooring in various conditions. Includes two full days on the water. This course can be combined with Competent Crew at a reduced price.
$675 stand alone class,
Discount if combined with Competent Crew Course.
Coastal Navigation
Who knew Lake Diefenbaker could offer Coastal Navigation? Electronics can fail in any part of the world.
This content applies to navigation on any water body. It covers reading charts, tide/current tables and planning routes. Includes 5 hours on the water.
Can be combined with either or both of the above classes for a discounted price.
No Prerequisite required.
Cost: $400
VHF ROC(m) Radio
Recently approved to train and/or certify anyone needing a Marine Radio Operators certificate. This course is available in numerous formats. Contact us for details and pricing.
These four certifications and a first aid class, allows you to apply to Charter in and around the Gulf Islands of BC and beyond!
For those who want to expand your Lake Diefenbaker sailing experience with Living Sky Sailing School, we are offering you the opportunity to now try sailing in Coastal waters of British Columbia.
Trips will be in the Gulf Islands or Desolation Sound region. We are based out of Nanaimo, BC.
Stay on the boat each night!
Complete a course or refine yours skills in Pacific waters.
Prices and details are listed in our Locations Tab on this website.
Mileage Building / Practise
For those who want to practise and refresh your sailing skills on Lake Diefenbaker. Sign up for our Mileage Builder Experience. This is open to former CRYA students and others who have completed courses and don't have access to a boat. A certified instructor will be on board to be utilized as a resource when required.